Strategy and investment.


CETIM is committed to your side by co-investing in the funds it creates. We accompany you in

  • defining and structuring the fund's strategy

  • sourcing of products in line with the strategy

  • setting up and monitoring the acquisition process

  • implementation of the product strategy or asset value creation (e.g. management of tenant relations, research and execution of solutions to improve the energy performance of assets)

  • the marketing and divestment process

Our teams benefit from a broad expertise that allows them to intervene in different segments of the European real estate market, with a good knowledge of the different markets.

The selection of appropriate assets is based on the investment strategy, risk tolerance and objectives of the fund.

Our current funds

With more than 10 years of experience in the creation and management of real estate funds, CETIM works on the development of new investment strategies and appropriate vehicles. In 2021, it created a first investment fund dedicated to student residences. A second investment vehicle should be created soon.


Cetim Real Estate / Cetim Student

Investment vehicle dedicated to student residences in Spain and Portugal. Investment period of 5 years. Investment volume of €150 million (3 to 5 projects). 

Missions provided by CETIM

  • Creation and management of the fund and project subsidiaries

  • Fundraising

  • Search for investment opportunities

  • Negotiations with sellers and assistance with the acquisition

  • Pre-marketing and negotiations with the operator

  • Delegated project management

  • Coordination of the divestiture process and negotiations with the final investor

Shareholders: Cetim Student RE and Promiris

Our closed funds


Transimmo / Immobus

Investment vehicle dedicated to the outsourcing of bus depots in France and Belgium. The assets are leased under long-term leases to the main operators in the market, notably Keolis and Veolia - Transdev. At the end of 2020, when AGRE bought the shares of the other investors, the value of the assets under management exceeded €140 million.  

Shareholders: AG Real Estate, Immobus (including CETIM), Foncière ATLAND


Optimmo Funds I and II

Luxembourg SICAR created in October 2006 in partnership with Banque Degroof and Cetim for a limited circle of investors. 


The Fund raised almost €40 million of equity capital, which was invested in opportunistic and risky transactions in the French real estate market. The investment period closed at the end of 2008

By financing the renovation and repositioning of buildings that could be modernised, Optimmo has helped to realise a capital gain despite the subprime crisis.


Creation in 2010 of the second drawer of the same SICAR, intended to invest in commercial real estate temporarily undervalued by the effects of the crisis. Assets sold in 2016.

20 million in equity, the Fund has carried out mixed-use (retail/activity) and sale and leaseback transactions in partnership with Foncière Atland.

Whatever your project, we are at your service